yellow pizza shaped icon with a slice being pulled out
brick background
Pickup Window
Online Ordering
Gift Cards

Flingers Hours

What time do you close? This is a good question. It’s our favorite question.

Dine-In Hours

Delivery Hours

Drive-Thru Pickup Window Hours

Online Ordering Hours

Beer Garden Hours

Directions to Flingers

How do we get from where we are, to where you are? This is a good question. It’s our favorite question.

From Chicago
(the North)

From St. Louis
(the South)

From Illinois State University
(the Northwest)

From Illinois Wesleyan University
(the Southwest)

Do Not Use the Back Alley

Parking at Flingers

Where should we park? This is a good question. It’s our favorite question.

Parking Lot Traffic Flow

Where to Park... and NOT Park

Okay to Park:

NOT Okay to Park:

How Parking Works

Reservations at Flingers

Does Flingers take reservations? This is a good question. It’s our favorite question.

No Reservations Friday or Saturday between 5-9pm

What about other days of the week?

Request Reservation

Okay, so how do I make a reservation? Can I make reservations online?

Can I make a reservation specifically for the Beer Garden?

Reservation Request Form

Dine-In at Flingers

I’ve never been there before and I’d like to know what to expect. What’s it like inside? This is a good question. It’s our favorite question.

Flingers Layout

Beer Garden

beer garden

Beer Garden Policies

Flingers Drive-Thru Pickup Window

I like staying in my car. Do you have a drive-thru window? This is a good question. It’s our favorite question.

When You CAN Order at the Pickup Window

Order Lightning Lunch at the Window

Flingers Delivery

Do you deliver? And how far do you go, because I live on the edge of town? This is a good question. It’s our favorite question. The first answer is yes, Flingers delivers. 

The Flingers Delivery Area

delivery map

What Flingers Delivers

We Deliver:

What’s Not Available via Delivery:

In-House Delivery Fleet

Flingers Online Ordering

Dude, it’s Friday at 7pm, why does your online ordering system say you’re closed? Can you guys get it together, jeez… This is a good question. It’s our favorite question. And we assure you we have it together. 

How Online Ordering Works

Order Now!

Online Ordering Pro-Tips

What’s NOT Available Through Online Ordering

Buy Merch Now

Why Does Your Online Ordering Say ‘Store Closed’?

Flingers Gift Cards

I forgot it’s my brother’s/co-worker’s/accountant’s anniversary/birthday/quinceañera and I need to give them something good on short notice. Do you have gift cards? This is a good question. It’s our favorite question.

Who Should Get a Flingers Gift Card?

Can I Order Gift Cards Online

Can I Pay with Gift Cards Online

Flingers Catering

Do you do catering? This is a good question. It’s our favorite question. 

FILL OUT Catering Request

Flingers Donations

We’re having a fundraiser, will you donate pizza? This is a good question. Here’s how we handle the abundance of requests we receive.

How We Contribute

CREATE Donation Request

Contact Flingers

I just want to talk to someone personally. Is that okay? This is a good question. It’s our favorite question. We have humans standing-by, ready to engage.

(309) 820-8838

Flingers Leadership

Tim Cummings

Flingers Customer Service

Flingers Beer Requests

Flingers Essentials

Flingers Marketing & Advertising

joshuaonenine logo